Volunteer with us
The Te Puna Quarry Park is maintained entirely by a group of volunteers, and we couldn’t be here without them. All new projects, developments, maintenance, and general upkeep at the park is thanks to this dedicated team of people, and we are glad to have them. They undertake the work of clearing, planting and weed control while enjoying the togetherness of a team project. The morning tea break is time for a rest and a chat and often a few laughs.
We would love it if you could help out too!
We meet at the park for a few hours of work every Tuesday morning from 8.30am. Whether you become a regular with us, or come along just the once, we would love to see you there.

Happiness is...
On any Tuesday morning when the sun is shining, and also when it’s not, a diverse group of people, mostly senior citizens, leave their homes somewhere between Aongatete and Papamoa and drive to Te Puna Quarry Park. They take with them their enthusiasm and dedication, their skills and knowledge, their work boots and garden tools, and of course, their morning tea.
They look forward to the working hours ahead, to the companionship of like minded people. For these men and women are the volunteers – working for the community, to realise a dream and for the joy of sharing the task with others.
They are not on any payroll. Their names are not on a list. They give all and expect nothing, but their reward is seeing the wasteland of a quarried hillside becoming a wonderful, beautiful wild garden of infinite variety, the place of their vision, a magical place. Their reward is in the faces of the children climbing over the digger, in the confident steps of walkers, the joggers running with their dogs, and the “well done” from a passing visitor.
No pay is needed to keep these workers happy. Happiness is …. working at Te Puna Quarry Park.